Here's a quick synopsis of some of the awesome new features...

1. A sliding gig poster gallery (in date order)
so send me those flyer sized gig posters to highlight for your next show

2. Followed by A magazine style layout of the highlighted blog posts - including a new series on American Jambands

3. A New Menu Item - Artist Spotlights -
These function as mini EPKs
offered FREE of charge along with certain videography / photography packages

4. JukeHouseTV - pre-loaded with a few of my favorite YouTube videos taken of local Indie Artists in Las Vegas

5. RSVP to Events - New Menu Item - Interactive Link to @JukeHouseLV "Events Page" of on Facebook
remember to add @JukeHouseLV as a co-host on your Facebook events for them to be automatically listed on our site.
